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Less Routine Work for Payroll Accountants.

Long Queues in the HR Department? No More!

Save your time and energy. Your employees can easily fill out their income tax statements (Prohlášení poplatníka daně z příjmů fyzických osob) and requests of annual statement of account (Žádost o roční zúčtování). Payroll accountants just make a final check. What used to take hours is done within a few minutes.

Error-Free Documents

The app automatically fills in documents using available data in SAP SuccessFactors and guides you how to fill out the rest. It suggests what to write and where and what attachments to upload. It’s easy to grasp and the app won’t send out any documents with errors.

eDaňovka Makes Employee Central Module Stronger! Want to Know More?

Explore All Our Apps

e-Daňovka isn’t the only app we developed in-house; take a look at the rest. We’re happy to boost your SAP SuccessFactors and make your HR processes effortless!

Shift Planning

Replace cluttered Excel spreadsheets and third-party solutions with a full-featured shift planner. Schedule shifts for a week, month or quarter, adjust schedules for more employees simultaneously and get an overview of their performance.

Shift Planning


App for easy travel & expense management. Compliant with legislation and including all key features for maximum effectivity. Easy request approval for business trips, reimbursement once the trips are over, upload all kinds of receipts, and more.


Document Generator

Generate contract annexes, handover reports and many more documents in a few clicks — or let your employees do that themselves. Using data from the Employee Central module.

Document Generator

Paperless HR

Stop running around with stacks of paper and let electronic documents circulate through the solution. Create documents, use your e-signature to sign them and keep everything safe — in-house or in a secure cloud.

Paperless HR


Developed in compliance with Czech and Slovak legislation — your employees can quickly fill out their income tax statements (Prohlášení poplatníka daně z příjmů fyzických osob) and requests of annual statement of account (Žádost o roční zúčtování). Payroll accountants just make a final check. What used to take hours is done within a few minutes!

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